viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

i love friday

I've been working on adrenaline since early morming, but now my face-off is over I take a deep breath. I can't believe I did it. I feel a warn glow of euphoria, mixed with a shot of relief, not to mention disbelief. I did it.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, for a moment my heart return to normal, I swan a lot metres.

And an hour later, after swimming in the swimming-pool, so i arrived to the office, I've taken five calls, replied two e-mails, and my boss said me that he is on telephone with a journalist and I throw a grateful smile.I continue across the office, my sttileto heels clicking on the floor xd(that it is not true) jiji
So I´ve sent my notes...and minutes later, my best friend was said me hi on the messenger...he was very nice xd...jijiji.

hi vicky. hi kike.....and he told me that some University teacher had visited your offices.

After that....My boss called to confirm that we were working in team in the swimming- pool-

Javi said him that you know I always work in team..mmmm

see what you mean?

I'm trying to think of something exercises to work in team, Javi

ah ok said Javi

But you don't permit to finish jajajaa

bueno lectores he querido relatar un poco mi día de viernes, poco más o menos

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  Todo aparece y desaparece en un segundo, es el tiempo el que trascurre sin pensar, o sin parar.   Y en cada  atardecer estás ahí, parada o...